LIFE SIRIUS improves governance in urban air quality planning and management through advancing knowledge and competences of the responsible public authorities

For this purpose, the following actions are taken:

  1. Overview of the Air Quality Plan (AQP) decision-making framework and improvement of the effectiveness.
  2. Assessment of current and future air quality and premature mortality. 
  3. Establishment of urban environmental modeling systems and easily adaptable health-related warning systems.
  4. Implementation of an Environmental Management System (EMS).
  5. Decision-making regulations for the proper implementation of the updated AQPs with the use of EMS.
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EU Funding
Project Partners
EU Countries
Years of Project Duration


Let's Discuss!

How we work

LIFE SIRIUS in 4 steps:

Pathway to scale-up and accelerate solutions aiming at tackling air quality issues, giving emphasis on health impacts and compound effects.​
Framework for increasing awareness of environmental issues associated with poor air quality.


Increased capacity and improved effectiveness and efficiency of public administration of the three regions involved to upgrade the performance of AQPs.
Common evaluation system regarding health effects of air pollution and future scenarios that assess the evolution of the situation in selected future periods.

Final Impact

Updated Air Quality Plans (Thessaloniki/Rome/Nicosia). Operational air quality and health-related warning systems. Unified Environmental Management System.