Municipality of Thessaloniki (MoT)
Partner summary
The Municipality of Thessaloniki, Greece, is a Public Local Authority. It is the main public stakeholder representing the local authority for the city of Thessaloniki. It aims to the development of the city of Thessaloniki in several issues (i.e. civil, technical, environmental etc.)

Air quality monitoring and improvement are important policy targets for MoT, directly linked to our participation in the EU Mission “Climate Neutral and Smart Cities
Dr. Georgios Papastergios
Head of Resilience Office
Municipality of Thessaloniki (MoT)
Two municipal units are participating in LIFE SIRIUS, the Department of Environment & Climate Change Adaptation, and the Department of Operational Planning and Development Programmes Monitoring (Resilience Office). Both units have significant expertise in the implementation of EU/environmental projects and staffed with highly competent employees